Work at Thai Otsuka

At Thai Otsuka Co., Ltd., everyone plays an important part in building inspiration. You will get to save lives and change the future every day. The company is equally committed to delivering the very best and working collaboratively with trust and respect. Our people understand the commitment of this philosophy, ”Your health is our life,” and we believe in our people even it is a challenging task but we will try for every day of the health in people around the world and sustainable growth of the company.


We are looking for talented people to join
the company and offer additional benefits from incentives.
This adds value to your overall compensation package.

The company is proud to offer a rewarding return package
which is competitive and is accompanied by health benefits
and the well-being of our employees.
The following is an overview of possible benefits.


Comprehensive medical and dental benefits
Saving and Retirement benefits
Life insurance and accident insurance
Annual holidays up to 14 days and Company holidays
Subvention / Wedding Gifts

Career Opportunity

Opportunity to be part of us has come.
We at Thai Otsuka can see the value of all people need
quality in life and well-being and also
to use the best quality products.

We want to look for people who will help us
making everyone’s life better than it was,
with every step forward. Go together under one purpose,
with us, “Otsuka People”

Our Family

Nobody can live alone, which is why we Otsuka People need high quality resources to walk alongside with us, ready to give advice and commit to the advancement of the Thai medical community as well as our organization. Together we can create good products and good health for people around the world.

Meanwhile, Thai Otsuka Co., Ltd. recognizes the importance of working in harmony together as a team “because this is not just a place of work, but a place to live together as a family.”



  • Participate in teams and dedicated to meeting team objectives.
  • Share useful information with team members.
  • Collaborate and work with other teams smoothly.

Creative speech

  • Create a positive attitude and communicate effectively and creatively.
  • Use both verbal and written communication.
  • Listen carefully and then comment with the response of the other party with respect.

Have a sense of responsibility

  • Responsible for decisions, actions and outcomes.
  • Work on a time provided.
  • Engage in both wrong and inappropriate actions included the necessary remedies.

Have fun what you are doing

  • Make good relationships and support each other.
  • Access to the creation of making valuable work.
  • Awareness of being part of the organization.
  • Recognizing the accomplishment of the goals and maintaining good responsibility for the job every day.

Otsuka Culture

(Proof through execution)


We encourage our people to push themselves,
use creativity, and do something that stands out.